Saturday, November 7, 2009

8 going on 18 - seriously!!

So this morning - Aynsley is in the shower and taking FOREVER!! I am getting ready, telling her periodically - come on Aynsley, get out!
Well finally after about a 15 min shower she gets out. Wrapped in her towel she proceeds to get dressed, when I notice something on her leg. It looks like blood. So I walk over and ask her what in the heck is on her leg. She says "I don't know". As I look closer, I realize it is blood and where in the heck did it come from??
I then take her in and wipe it off... as I do that, I notice that it IS a cut. I ask Aynsley, "where did this come from?" She replies to me, "I don't know". I then tell her, "you have a cut on your leg and you don't know where it came from?" She then tells me, "NO".
I wipe off a 2nd cut and while I am doing that I hold Aynsleys leg and realize, wait her leg is smooth, wait - - that cut looks like a shaving cut.... I then ask my dear darling sweet Aynsley. "Did you shave your legs???" She then realizes she has been busted, and tells me "yes".

By now she is bawling - realizing she was caught, and she was wrong. I ask her - "have you shaved your legs before, how many times have you done this?" She then innocently tells me that she has done this a couple of times before, but this time I scared her in the shower and she cut her leg.
YES - my daughter who is 8 - shaving her legs!! And she doesn't need to - she still has peach fuzz!!

I couldn't believe it! I don't know if I was more amazed that she had done it a couple of times before or if my little girl wants to grow up before she is ready too!!


keysha said...

Oh no!!! Taylor has been bugging me about this lately too. I've tried to tell her once she starts, you can never stop, so enjoy not shaving while you can....some how I don't think she's buying it. She still asks every other week or so! *sigh* How can we stop 'em from growing up??

Tracy Collings said...

Kaylea did that at about the same age, she cut herself so bad I got worried. It was seriously 3 inches long. She would shave her arms too, I'd touch her arms and get poked. Yeah, I had a couple of long talks with her. Kids are so funny.