Sunday, June 28, 2009

Baseball season comes to a close, for Ryan!

Well Baseball is officially over! Well at least Ryan's season that is. I love baseball and love going and watching him play. He was so excited this year to play, he wanted to play catch and 1st so bad - Then he dropped his Dad's torque wrench square on his toe, and was kind of on the injured reserve list. He couldn't run or put his weight on his foot - so he played right field for the first few weeks of the season. Then towards the last part of the season he started to play catch and loved it. He did very very well too! Kinda surprised dear old Mom! I am really critical of catch because that it what I have played forever!

My little catcher dude! Loving it!!

OK - Look where the ball is - and look where his bat is! JUST A LITTLE AHEAD OF THE BALL!
I love my new camera! I love that I can take like 10 shots in a row to get pictures like this!

Here he is loading up - Looking good - I think this one went foul though....
Leading off first - He is so DANG CUTE!
So now with Baseball over - we have 4 weeks off and football starts. Ryan loves football 2nd to baseball - It is a never ending cycle - Baseball - Football - Basketball - But we love it and he loves it and that is all that matters!


Well the month of June has been a weird one here in UT. We have had more rain than Seattle!! It just would not stop! Every day - day in and day out.
I am always joking at work that it never rains in Grantsville. Tooele and Stansbury can get it because they are closer to the mountains but for some reason it does not hit Grantsville. Snow or rain! Well that's not the case this year, I don't think that there was any place safe in Northern Utah.
I loved on the news when they said Seattle had not seen rain in 28 days - and we had just hit 14 days straight of recordable rain!
On June 10th I think it was by far the worst rain storm I have ever been in - here in Utah! (when we went to TX to visit my brother there was a bad one!) Here are some of pictures that I took from the cover of my garage and front porch!My swell (we don't have park strips here in Grantsville) is COMPLETELY FULL!! In the 4 years that we have lived here I have never had standing water or any kind of water accumulate in our swell. And this was all in a matter of may 20 minutes!
Here is where it was filling up from - it was just rushing down the street like no other!
Here is a view across the street looking at my neighboor Bob and Kay's swell - By the way - Bob dug is swell really deep, it is probably 2-3 feet deep. And look it is over flowing out onto the street!Here is a cool picture of the clouds as the storm was finally breaking up - Ryan and Aynsley wanted a picture of it. They thought that it was cool with all the swirls in it!And then the kids started to play - Aynsley and her freinds running through Racheal and Jake's swell next door! And NO she did not ask if she could, I just went out to find her doing it! LOL :) I had them stop and pose!And after the rain stopped and half of my wood chips washed down the road - It started back up in the middle of the night again and hasn't really stopped till yesterday - I think yesterday was the first day of no recordable rain in Northern UTAH - and yesterday was JUNE 27TH!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I am feeling OLD!

I don't know why, but my birthday coming up this week is really hitting me hard! LIKE SERIOUSLY HARD!!! I think that this one has to be the worst so far. I will be 38...yuck!! I think that there are several reasons why it is hitting me so hard. One is - I have officially been out of school - 20 years - HOLY CRAP!! In my mind I have not been out of school that long! NO WAY - NO HOW!
I think the reason that I don't feel like I have been out that long, is because my oldest Ryan is only 12! I see some of my friends that I have connected with on Facebook, they have kids graduating this year, and my oldest is just going to middle school. So there you go - I have not been out of school 20 years!
Another reason that I am feeling horrible about this birthday - is the fact that 40 is only 2 years away and we all know that 2 years is NOTHING! And another reason - There is ALOT more GRAY in my hair than a year ago - it's like my hair follicles decided, she is depressed about being 38, lets make more hair this color!!
It sucks getting old, I mean come on - 38! I shouldn't feel this this way at all!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

BLA BLA Blogging!!

OK - SO I just looked and it has been since April that I posted anything. Why - well a couple of reasons. The ONLY people that read this Blog that I set up are my mom and my sister, they already know what is going on in my life any way, so why write about it!! I dont have "followers" not even my brother is a follower - so why write?? And the 2nd reason - I keep up more on FACEBOOK than this blog. If people "really" want to know what I am doing they can go to my facebook. Well that is if I posted anything there too...
Here is an update in case anyone is interested - Ryan - we are smack dab in the middle of baseball season, we are having a good year. Hitting is good - his Pirates took 3rd in the West Desert Classic Tourney. They played so well!! Only 5 games left - then we have 4 weeks off till FOOTBALL!!! I will try to get some pictures taken this week at games, as Leo will be with me to keep score while I take the picture or he can take the my FACEBOOK page for those!! Yes Nathan and Robin - if you read this and want to see them - make me your freind....

Aynsley - finished the school year great, has been running around with me taking Ryan to and from baseball. She is SOOO looking forward to her summer with Grandma! She love love loves, doing things with Gramma, they are two peas in a pod!

Me and Leo - we are getting old and fat and trying to keep up with yard work, kids schedules etc. Even Leo has a facebook page now - So make him your freind too!!
TA TA for now!