Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I'm in the MIDDLE of it!

We have been busy with a FEW projects - like 50 ba-zillion it seems. Well not really it just feels like it!
We are
1. Putting wood floor down in the hallway upstairs.
2. Repainting the house - BUH-BYE dark brown/tan and faux finishes - HELL-OO lighter color.
3. Putting up board and batten in the family room.
4. Putting up a back splash in the kitchen.
5. Converting the stairs from carpet to WOOD floors.
6. Re-doing the kids bathroom - once again get rid of the BROWN! Ugh!

Here are pics of work in progress - AKA sneek peak time

Hallway wood going in

Family Room Board and Batten

And I am going to attempt THIS Soon - 

My inspiration, my blog crush, Mandi from Tidbits from the Tremaynes, her stairs are AMAZING - Check them out HERE!!

MY stairs - Soon to look like Mandy's!

This week we are putting up the new back splash!  Found it on clearance for CHEAP!!

Stay tuned for more. We are more than half way done.

What is THEE BEST PART of getting all this done.
Once its done - I GET TO DECORATE!!
Guess what I'm doing??  You will have to wait and see - here is a hint... using Orange, Green, and Pallets!! And a lot of spray paint will be involved!

I will start posting all my DIY adventures over at DIYDOODETTES.BLOGSPOT.COM - its the blog that I share with me Mum!! Check us out!!