Sunday, June 21, 2009

I am feeling OLD!

I don't know why, but my birthday coming up this week is really hitting me hard! LIKE SERIOUSLY HARD!!! I think that this one has to be the worst so far. I will be 38...yuck!! I think that there are several reasons why it is hitting me so hard. One is - I have officially been out of school - 20 years - HOLY CRAP!! In my mind I have not been out of school that long! NO WAY - NO HOW!
I think the reason that I don't feel like I have been out that long, is because my oldest Ryan is only 12! I see some of my friends that I have connected with on Facebook, they have kids graduating this year, and my oldest is just going to middle school. So there you go - I have not been out of school 20 years!
Another reason that I am feeling horrible about this birthday - is the fact that 40 is only 2 years away and we all know that 2 years is NOTHING! And another reason - There is ALOT more GRAY in my hair than a year ago - it's like my hair follicles decided, she is depressed about being 38, lets make more hair this color!!
It sucks getting old, I mean come on - 38! I shouldn't feel this this way at all!!

1 comment:

Tracy Collings said...

Hi Kristen! I just found your blog, I was so excited! You can't feel that old, I'm turning 40 on my next birthday...:( Keep posting, and I'll keep reading.