Sunday, June 26, 2011

Excitement for the next hill!!

There are several hills (milestones) that we hit in our lives - 8 when we get baptized - 16 when we learn to drive - 18 when it all becomes legal - 21 when it REALLY becomes legal - 30 when we say good bye to our 20's and raise our families....
Well Friday I made it to the top of one of my hills - 40
All week long I had been kind of down, I just couldn't believe that I was 40. I remember when I thought 40 was SOO OLD! And yet here I was... I stood there on top of the hill thinking of all that I had accomplished and all that I need to accomplish.
And you know what - all that dread that I had, all the pain I thought that I was going to feel - I didn't have it!

A wise woman once told me - she never felt as old as she was - because it was all mental.

And now I believe it - My birth certificate may say 40 but my mind still has me at 30ish!!  (I am not going 20ish due to the fact that I was pretty darn stupid in my early 20's - I am glad that I wised up!!)

I have 2 amazing children - who bring me more joy than they will ever know - and as crazy as I get running them to football/baseball/softball/dance/cheer/piano/scouts/or where ever else they need to be. I wouldn't change it for the world!!

I have an awesome husband who provides for our family and sacrifices for our family!!

I have amazing parents who have taught me more than they will ever know - I was listening way back when even if they thought I wasn't! 

AND I have met and made friends with some of the best people there are! I know that there is a reason that they all have come into my life and I am so grateful for them!

So now that I start heading up the next hill  - I hope it is as rewarding and amazing as the last hill!  And there is a lot on this hill - kids learning to drive/graduations/college.... ugh! But I will get through it!! I know I can!!

1 comment:

keysha said...

You are totally right...the 40's are the new 30's!! You ROCK whatever age you are!! I hope you had an amazing birthday my friend.