Sunday, August 30, 2009


This year we have decided to for-go the public school system and the kids were picked to go to Tooele County's first charter school. Excelsior Academy.
At first they were a little apprehensive about it. Not being with their friends, uniforms...etc etc.
They are adapting very well, I think that they realized that it is just a normal school that focuses more on educating them. They are going with their good friends Brooklynn and Bridger and found that there are a lot more of their friends there than they realized.

Here are some pic's of the 1st day of school! Aynsley 3rd grade!!Ryan 7th grade!!
I must say uniforms are the only way to go!! This had to have been the easiest school shopping ever!!


Robin said...

Uniforms do make it easy to shop and easy to dress each day, everything goes together! I am glad they are happy and hey, they are cute kids! They will make TONS of new friends fast. They won't even miss their old school soon.

Tracy Collings said...

LOVE the new back ground... GO COWBOYS!! I'm glad they're enjoying the charter school, I've heard nothing but good about it. Also, thanks for being such a great team mom, it's nice to know what's going on this year...much more organized.