Saturday we then had Jr Jazz games and running around getting everything for Ryan's big birthday celebration on Sunday. It was a very busy day - and come to find out my hard drive crashed on the lap top, so its in for repair! (arrgg)
Sunday rolls around and it is the BIG Day - Ryan turns 13!! An official teenager!
YES that is right - I am now an official mother of a teenager!!! BLEK! :(

I am grateful that he is such a good kid. He makes good choices. He helps me a lot! He is fantastic with younger kids they all just love him so! I am grateful that I was allowed to be his mom!!
Happy Birthday Bud! LOVE YA to INFINITY AND BEYOND!!
Ryan is one of the most polite kids I know. He's a joy to have around! I'm glad he's turning 13! Wish him a happy b-day for me!
Happy Birthday Ryan! You should be proud...he's a great kid. Enjoy 13....I'm sure it's better than 15 and 16! :)
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