Well Baseball is officially over! Well at least Ryan's season that is. I love baseball and love going and watching him play. He was so excited this year to play, he wanted to play catch and 1st so bad - Then he dropped his Dad's torque wrench square on his toe, and was kind of on the injured reserve list. He couldn't run or put his weight on his foot - so he played right field for the first few weeks of the season. Then towards the last part of the season he started to play catch and loved it. He did very very well too! Kinda surprised dear old Mom! I am really critical of catch because that it what I have played forever!

My little catcher dude! Loving it!!

OK - Look where the ball is - and look where his bat is! JUST A LITTLE AHEAD OF THE BALL!
I love my new camera! I love that I can take like 10 shots in a row to get pictures like this!

Here he is loading up - Looking good - I think this one went foul though....

Leading off first - He is so DANG CUTE!
So now with Baseball over - we have 4 weeks off and football starts. Ryan loves football 2nd to baseball - It is a never ending cycle - Baseball - Football - Basketball - But we love it and he loves it and that is all that matters!
1 comment:
Way to go Ryan! Conner's excited for football to start up again too.
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