Which then got me thinking about my small little town of Grantsville that I now call HOME, and felt like I have been here FOREVER!!! Bear with me - I need to give you some back ground..
I grew up in Magna - went to Cyprus High - (Yes I am a Pirate always will be.... BUT I am also now a COWBOY)
I remember riding our bikes on Sundays to my Grammas house for visits, I remember going to Thrifty Drug with my Gramma for an ice cream cone.. I loved Magna, everyone knew each other!! You could drive down 3500 S. and wave to a ton of people and they would wave back! LOVED IT...
So when we got married, we bought our first house on the border of Magna and West Valley... I thought this is going to be great......
ENTER 2001, my Mom and Dad announce that they are moving to Grantsville... HUH?? Grantsville??? (I had been out here for basketball games in high school...it was a LOOONNGG way from me!!) .....then the housing boom happened, houses went up every where around us.... we didnt like it, schools were suffering, etc...
ENTER 2005 - Leo and I were thinking about moving - SO we decided heck why not - lets go look in Mom and Dads neck of the woods.. and within 2 weeks our house sold, we bought a lot out here in Grantsville and were packing our home of almost 10 years up to head WEST!
ENTER Current Day - So when I was thinking about my small town - I said to myself, SELF - this is just like growing up in Magna... everyone knows everyone (if they don't that is their own fault), everyone waves at you when you drive down the street!! I LUURVE this town!!
AND the best thing I luurve about my small town - THIS TOWN SUPPORTS EACH OTHER!!
I have seen the best in people, from supporting the kids on the football team even when they don't have kids on the team, supporting the longest standing town party "The Sociable" each and every year! Jr. Jazz, Little League Football, and supporting something that is near and dear to my heart - Grantsville Youth Baseball!
I was blown away by all the support and people that came out to our opening day last week!! It was AMAZING!!
This little town out WEST called GRANTSVILLE...I LUURVE IT!! And I now call it HOME and will FOREVER!!