First there was the FIRE!!

SOOO I opted to stay in SLC and wait for the road to open - I got off work at my normal 3:00 - went and picked up Ryan's new glasses.
Listening to KSL the whole time - you know they do traffic every 10 minutes on the 9's!! I then made my way back to West Valley and STILL nothing - its 4:15 now - COME ON!! I have a hair appt in Grantsville at 5:00 - this is not happening!!!

SO now I have my hair appt canceled - just sitting there waiting for them to open the road - then those magical words come over, (on one of the 9's) - 201 is open!! I make a bee-line down 56th and get on the 201!! Whew! smooth sailing TILL I get to the middle of Kennecott - now we are all backed up trying to get through and get home - bumper to bumper

Finally I get home - at 5:45 - safe and sound - hair appt canceled - dinner ready to go however - YEA me - Leo made dinner for us!!
Well then the very very next day - SNOW

AND then - the very next morning -WHITE OUT going to work - one lane plowed on 201 through Kennecott... aarrggg - I give up! An hour and 15 minutes to work - please! I am sick of traffic problems!!
SO - here is my suggestion to UDOT - Tooele County needs another road to and from Salt Lake County -
Lets build a tunnel
right there at the Stansbury Light - just go right through the mountain to the other side - We will come out at about 5400 so. and Bacchus Highway - EASY PEASY LEMON SQUEEZY!!!
NO snow in the tunnel - No fires in the tunnel - make it 2 lanes - BOTH ways !! With a lane in the middle for Emergency personnel - HECK make it a TOLL ROAD - I would pay it!!
My hair appt isn't till the 17th now - aarrgg - when you see me don't laugh at my roots please - I know that they are BAD!!