A long long long time ago, in High School I wanted to be an Emergency Room Nurse...well we all know how that one turned out!! It didn't!!!
I completely ended up on the other end of the spectrum... transportation, trucking of all things!! LOL :)
When you ask Ryan he tells you that he wants to work for the DWR.

Now Aynsley, she is all girl! For a while when you asked her, what do you want to be when you grow up? She would tell you she wanted to be a cheerleader!
Now when you ask Aynsley what she wants to be when she grows up - She tells you that she wants to be a "dress designer", she is constantly drawing this girl and different variations of "the dress".

Today she comes down from her room and she shows me her "newest" design - it is called "messy". You can't really tell but there are messy squiggles all over the dress! And LARGE!! She drew it on her easel she tells me!
Kids - there are so innocent! I love it!! I wonder what the next couple of years will bring - it what they want to be when they grow up!!