HELLO to all - sorry it has been a while since I last updated - however we have offically been

consumed by FOOTBALL - with 3 nights a week at practice - 2 hours or more each practice, then Saturday games - which when you travel you are gone practically all day!! FOOTBALL consumes your life!! Then add to it, being a Team Mom, and it really consumes your life!! But we would not trade it for the world, Ryan loves playing and loves being active. He currently plays on Offense Left Tackle and on Defense plays the left Defensive End. We did get "X" manned out again this year, by only a pound and a half. For those of you that do not know, an X man can only play the line on offense, it means that you are over the average weight of your age group and you cannot run the ball unless it is a fumble or an interception.

Like I said Ryan loves it, we are 4 games into it and arent having the best season we are currently 1-3, we have had some tough games and then some games that we could have won but got down on ourselves and lost. I will update more often as to how the season is going. GO COWBOY FOOTBALL!!!